Posts in Autism Therapy
Enhancing Attention and Focus in Children with Autism and ADHD: A Holistic Nutritional Approach

While these conditions present unique hurdles, evidence suggests that dietary interventions can play a significant role in improving attention and focus in children with autism and ADHD. As a specialized autism dietitian nutritionist, I advocate for a holistic approach that incorporates dietary changes and targeted nutrient supplementation to support cognitive function and overall well-being.

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A Gentle Approach to Detox for Autism

Detoxification, in its essence, refers to the process of eliminating toxins from the body. In the context of autism, it becomes crucial due to the observed links between environmental toxins and the exacerbation of autistic symptoms. These toxins can range from heavy metals like mercury and lead to pesticides, pollutants, and even certain food additives.

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Nutritional Variety: A Guide to Food Chaining for Autism and Picky Eaters

For parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or those dealing with picky eaters, mealtime can be a daily struggle. Nutritional concerns coupled with limited food preferences can make it challenging to ensure a balanced diet. Enter food chaining – an innovative and systematic approach to expanding a child's palate.

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Unveiling the Link Between Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Autism: A Comprehensive Guide to Treatment, Diet, and Supplements

While the exact causes of autism remain elusive, emerging research suggests a potential connection between mitochondrial dysfunction and the development of autism. Mitochondria, often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell, play a crucial role in energy production and cellular function.

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Understanding Sensory Issues in Children, with a Focus on Autism: Causes and Solutions

Sensory issues can significantly impact a child's daily life, causing discomfort, anxiety, and even hindering their development. This is particularly true for children with autism, who often struggle with sensory processing. It is important to identify the causes of sensory issues in order to properly treat the root problems. Exploring sensory processing disorder, brain involvement, and the role of specific nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, vitamin D and specific B vitamins can be crucial in the therapy process. Additionally, the connection between the gut and the brain, and how the gut microbiome can influence sensory processing disorders is an important piece of the puzzle of sensory processing. There is also a strong link between sensory processing disorder and selective eating. Emphasizing the importance of an appropriate diet and supplements as part of the autism therapy process is crucial.

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Harnessing the Power of Probiotics: A Promising Approach to Enhance Brain Health, Cognition, and Behavior in Children with Autism and ADHD

Scientific breakthroughs have shed light on the intricate relationship between our gut microbiome and brain health. Probiotics can play a major role in improving digestive health and the gut microbiome. This in turn has great benefit on brain health, cognition and behaviors in children with autism and ADHD.

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A Nutritional Superhero for Children on the Autism Spectrum

Sweet potatoes, with their vibrant orange hue and sweet flavor, are more than just a delicious addition to family meals. They are a nutritional powerhouse, offering a plethora of vitamins and minerals that are particularly beneficial for children on the autism spectrum. In this article, we will explore the fantastic benefits of sweet potatoes for these children, highlighting the specific vitamins they contain and various creative ways to incorporate this superfood into their diets.

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Signs and Symptoms of Food Sensitivities in Children: Understanding the Link with Behavioral Issues, Digestive Problems, Rashes, and ADHD and Autism

As a pediatric clinical nutritionist, I often encounter concerned parents seeking guidance on their child's food sensitivities. It's crucial to understand the signs and symptoms associated with food sensitivities, as they can manifest in various ways, including behavioral issues, digestive problems, rashes/eczema, and even attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Moreover, children with conditions like autism and ADHD are more prone to developing food sensitivities.

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